SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment – Release 2008
Florian Wahl describes the SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment – Release 2008. A must-read if you´re still working on SCP or like to be updated on this topic.
Mission Impossible: DevOps and ABAP
Jelena Perfiljeva is writing in her Post about DevOps and ABAP. A good introduction to the used Buzzword. There is still hope in adapting this, but only if the related groups work together.
Introducing the XCO Library Cloud Platform edition
Sebastian Michler is showing us in his Post the SAP Cloud Platform XCO Library. It is a completely newly engineered development library for ABAP with the goal to offer a highly intuitive and effective development experience for tasks that go beyond the mere scope of the ABAP programming language.
Decide on how to start with SAP Fiori Elements
Peter Widmer writes in his Blog how to decide to start with using SAP Fiori Elements. It´s an often asked question, and now we get an answer to it.
How to use the SAP Gateway Error Log in ADT
Andre Fischer shows us How to use the SAP Gateway Error Log in ADT when you´re working on an SCP ABAP Environment.
ABAP in the 2020s – the new way to implement SAP applications
Sebastian Freilinger-Huber writes about the new way of implementing SAP Applications. He shares some thoughts on RAP (ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model).
Calculate the age of your data with DATS_DAYS_BETWEEN
Michael Keller is showing us how to Calculate the age of your data with DATS_DAYS_BETWEEN. A nice lightweight ABAP Example.
Oh The Messes We Will Make. I contributed to the fear of messiness
Kent Beck describes in this awesome post why we mess up systems and how to understand those in his process 3x (Explore > Expand > Extract). A must-read for everyone who is working seriously in IT.
Monolith -> Services: Theory & Practice
Kent Beck is again bringing some light into Monolith to Microservice Transformation. This could be for sure adapted to SAP. Should we go to the Cloudiest Solutions with the most various technology stacks...
Cheating On Agile. What innovation has taught us about…
Anders Haugeto is emphasizing agile and especially the cheating on agile in his absolutely must-read Post. Nowadays if a company mention they are doing enterprise-agile, they mean more waterfall-approach with some Scrum ceremonies. But this is not what agile really means...
SDK for ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse, where are you?
Łukasz Pęgiel is one of the most active contributors to Open Source Solutions on ADT. The question is more than justified to ask for and SDK. I´d like to emphasize that Software Developer needs maximum support to bring the Innovation into Systems. The better tools we have, the better Support from the vendors we have, the better and faster results we can produce.
How to use ADT Project Explorer and ABAP Repository Trees – Check out the new video of the ADT team | SAP Blogs
Andre Fischer shows us a trick he got from Michael Gutfleisch on how to use ADT Project Explorer and ABAP Repository Trees.
SAP Developer News Pilot
Ian Thain is opening a new SAP Youtube Channel. Enjoy the SAP Developer News Pilot format.
SAP Inside Track Barcelona 2020
SAP Inside Track took place on 3rd October 2020. It´s fully packed with SAP Community talks.
ADT SDK, why we mess up during Development, SCP ABAP Environment and Problems with Microservices
This week contains a good distribution among topics, from ADT SDK, Mission Impossible DevOps and ABAP, on the Messes we will make, Monolith to Microservice Transformation to ABAP in the 2020s.
Enjoy this Issue No. 32, and stay tuned for more content!
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Damir Majer - ABAP Weekly